This is the next workplace standard in the first line of defense against COVID-19. It’s called a thermal imaging camera. Armed with advanced thermal imaging technology, the camera scans the body temperatures of everyone entering a space, enabling instant detection of elevated skin temperatures. Whether they enter as an individual or a group, the system sounds the alarm if someone has a fever. Now available through BCI Integrated Solutions and Midwest Alarm, this thermal imaging system can easily be installed and programmed to detect elevated skin temperature in busy environments such as airports, hospitals, clinics, office buildings, cruise ships, and any large public gathering location.
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Now there's a faster, more sanitary way to identify a person with a fever in a large group: thermal imaging. Thermographic screening to monitor large groups of people for elevated temperature & possible symptoms has proven successful at airports, hospitals, grocery stores & malls.
Thermal Temperature Monitoring Solution is not a medical device and is not designed or intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or condition. However, the solution is a screening tool that businesses and households can use as part of a holistic biosecurity plan to identify individuals with elevated skin temperature compared to a customizable reference temperature upon entering their premises.
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